Sunday, November 22, 2009

Abre Los Ojos!

David, Open your eyes... Nothing will be the same again! As from today, everything is going to change! Everything!
People always leave, things always change, ideas always evolve, expectations are never quite met, goals always need to be set...

Life is never quite lived the way it's meant to be...

Abre Los Ojos!
Open Your Eyes!

The chef prepares a special menu for your delight, oh my
Tonight you fly so high up in the vanilla sky
Unbearable or great
You gotta love every hour, you must appreciate

Melted tin beads cast your fortune in a glass of wine
Snail or fish, balloon or dolphin, see yourself shine

This is your time
This is your day
You've got it all
Don't blow it away

Monday, October 5, 2009

Open your Eyes

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you
My bones ache, my skin feels cold
And I'm getting so tired and so old

The anger swells in my guts
And I won't feel these slices and cuts
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Get up, get out, get away from these liars
'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fake Empire

Stay out super late tonight picking apples, making pies
put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
we’re half-awake in a fake empire
we’re half-awake in a fake empire

Tiptoe through our shiny city with our diamond slippers on
do our gay ballet on ice
bluebirds on our shoulders
we’re half-awake in a fake empire
we’re half-awake in a fake empire

Turn the light out say goodnight
no thinking for a little while
lets not try to figure out everything at once
It’s hard to keep track of you falling through the sky
we’re half-awake in a fake empire
we’re half-awake in a fake empire

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuba Mirum

The trumpet will send its wondrous sound
throughout earth's sepulchres
and gather all before the throne.

Death and nature will be astounded,
when all creation rises again,
to answer the judgement.
A book will be brought forth,
in which all will be written,
by which the world will be judged.

When the judge takes his place,
what is hidden will be revealed,
nothing will remain unavenged.

What shall a wretch like me say?
Who shall intercede for me,
when the just ones need mercy?

Monday, July 13, 2009

The right moment

The more I think about everything, the more I get convinced that the true connection never exists. Destiny is what we make of it. Love is what we want to believe it is.
There's no such thing as compatibility, destiny, THE ONE. It was never meant to be. You never got to chose. You never got chosen.

It only was the odd person at the right moment... It could have been the right one, or the wrong one, or the random one, but it was all about that moment...

And if you miss that moment, it never comes back again, no matter how you try...

And I missed it...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On my own...

Losing my senses, lost in my head, I am nothing, and no one and nowhere at all, I am thoughtless and i fought this on my own...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New look, new life, new perspectives

Sometimes we should look life in the eye
Sometimes we should look life with new eyes
Sometimes we should look life with new insight

For it takes only ONE perspective to see

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Even if everything is lost...
Even if everything is broken...
I know you are still there, somewhere...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Singles is BAD for YOU

Single and being looked down on
Single and having people look at you as if you're a total failure
Single and having people interested in you why you've been single for so long
Single... One MUST have a problem somewhere... They HAVE to!
Single is a disease...
Single is contagious... And deadly... You have to stay far far away from singles...
Single... Ask for a mortgage... Why do you want a mortgage? You're single, you're going to live by yourself? Why?
Single... You want to to have fun? Why? You're single, you should say put? Having fun is not allowed to you! You must stay put until you get rid of that sickness! Or you're a bastard!
Single... Why on earth would someone want to remain single? There MUST be something WRONG with that person!
Single... Don't hang out with singles! It's DANGEROUS! Something BAD will happen to YOU!

Couples get couple friends...
Couples get tons of gifts on their wedding day so they don't have to buy ANYTHING...
Couples get great mortgages...
Couples are well seen by everybody...
Couples is safe when hanging out with friends...
Couples is great to invite over for dinner...
Couples get sympathy when they run out of money...
Couples is SAFE!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lost in order

The more I walk down this path, the more I feel confident that this IS the path to go!
This is the perfect path!
This is the perfect moment!
This is the perfect attitude, the perfect place to be, the perfect person to be!
This is the perfect people to be with, the perfect life to live!
Until I get lost all over again...

We chose a life... A life to be, a life to live, a life to build...
We chose something great for it all...
We chose something great for it all to have a meaning...
We chose all the right friends to make it all nice to keep...
We chose all the right moments to make it perfect...
And then comes the moment when we all realise... We lost something important...

And we all think we want to find our way back...
And we all think we are right in our choices...
And we all think we are right in our directions...
And we all think we want to make these choices...
And we all argue endlessly to make sure the other agrees to OUR TRUTH...
Until we get lost all over in our true worlds...

And we run free!
And we run loose!
And we run for our lives!
And we run in our lives!
And we run straight ahead, never looking back, never regretting anything!
And we run... Free...
We are not lost... Not anymore...

Because the path leading to you is beautiful...
Because the path leading to you is truthful...
Because the path leading to you is the right way...
Because the path leading to you found me in the lost land...
Because the path leading to you brings hope of happiness and freedom...
We are not lost... Not anymore...

Because love is here...
Because love is in you...
Because love is in me...
Because we share love among us...
Because we let our love live and draw a path...
We are not lost... Not anymore...

Because you are beautiful in your mind...
Because you are beautiful in your soul...
Because you are beautiful in your body...
Because you are beautiful just the way you are...
There is no need to get lost into faked selfness...

We are afraid that truth will not be...
We are afraid that your truth will not be mine...
We are afraid that my truth will not be yours...
We are afraid that truth will make us lose everything...

But I know that I want YOU!
But I know that I need YOU!
But I know that I will love YOU!
But I know what I will bring happiness to YOU!
For I know I will not be lost anymore when you will be here with me...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One night on earth

I shook from my dream I wasn't here
To shake from my own sight
Shake, ache from the light of everything
Shake for that which sinks but can't drown

Your face
It will not be back again
Oh fate, your face
To summon it away is to back down

I'm not so alone in here tonight
The light shines off the pennies in the street
And love feels such a plausible delight
And now I've learnt the lyrics in full to Auld Lang Sine

Oh fate, Your face
It will not be back again
Oh fate, your face
To summon it away

Oh fate, Your face
It will not be back again
Oh fate, your face
To summon it away is to back down

Now the wolves all howl
And the birds all sing it:
"He backed down"

Monday, February 9, 2009

LOVE .......................................

The hopes we had. The games we played. The thrills we felt. The questions we asked...
The questions unanswered, unasked, afraid to ask, didn't care to ask, never thought of asking...
The questions we didn't want to hear, we were afraid to hear, we didn't want to answer, we didn't know how to answer...
What is it about love and relationships that we're afraid to ask what we want?

And then the path drew itself... The path was followed... We moved, we moved in, we moved along, we journeyed down the path of love, we enjoyed the ride, we felt the wind on our faces, young faces, old faces, just faces...
Sometimes the path breaks, diverts, merges back, we followed what we thought was THE path, hoping that along the way we'd meet again, we'd meet each other, we'd meet THE one...
Love moving, moving love, like waves, to and fro, going, leaving, coming back, bringing joys, taking it all back...
And then we were just M(L)over(s)...

And then there's Love. And life around the Love. And Rules around the life. Are there rules then around love? Did we have to do some things right? Were there things we shouldn't have said, done, thought? Do we all have to obey a set of rules when in a relationship? Are all loves the same? Can we not live our love the way we want? The way I want it to be? The way you want it to be? Do other people's opinion count?
Or is love and rules not compatible?

I Love you... Not the way you think I do. Not the way you'd want me to. Not the way other people think I do. Not the way society wants me to. I don't care about what other people have to think, say, do, I don't want to know. I only care about you.

I love you...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No girls allowed deep in my heart anymore... It hurts too much... You hurt too much... Just friends. No love, no flirt, no getting close...

Friday, January 9, 2009

I love you

But you don't love me... At least not the way I'd like you to...
We cannot be together when it's important. We can be friends, but we cannot share the special moments, and it's too hard to live these moments without being able to be with you, talk to you, see you, hear you, be with you...

I love you, but I'll drift away for both our sakes, or we will destroy whatever little things we have around us. At least I will destroy what I have around me. And you will too, eventually...

What a strange thing... Love is...

And I miss U... I miss us... The way we used to be...

What's the use anyway... Give it all up, wait for time to come around... What's left, except a big emptiness the shape of a pink star... The shape of you...